Cropnuts Laboratories

Helping farmers grow more with less by providing independent lab testing and agronomy services.



Sector: Agriculture laboratory services

In portfolio since: 2019

Location: Kenya

Cropnuts is East Africa’s leading independent, fully integrated, ISO accredited agricultural laboratory and agronomy services company. They provide centralised laboratory testing (soil, water, plant and feed), remote spectral lab testing and advisory agricultural services, to large, medium and smallholder farmers, as well as governments and NGOs. These services sustainably increase farmer productivity, by potentially doubling crop yields and through appropriate input use substantially lowering input costs, leading to increased farmer profitability and improved soil health. Farmers are also offered independent agronomy support through its field agronomists. Cropnuts has built a unique database of Sub-Saharan Africa’s soil profiles and can remotely deliver lab testing service through its mobile lab units. DOB Equity’s investment will help Cropnuts regionally expand its agro- testing services with larger lab facilities, scale spectral/remote mobile lab units for large scale farms in remote areas and a establish farmer training centre. Number of small holder farmers using Cropnuts: 10,000 (2014-2018)


10,000 small-holder farmers have used Cropnuts’ Laboratory services
